Panic Attack

Last time I posted about Automattic and WordPress. Still pitching myself about applying for a new job, about leveling up my game, getting things done, taking commitments, go for launch and all those catchy go phrases, I decided to make a flyby through reality. This meant starting to poke around repositories, blogs, announcements and whatever other source of information about what’s going on and what they’re up to (by “they” I mean both the community and Automattic developers).

Lots of good posts about people already working there, about their day to day, about remote and the trade offs of managing your own time. I might not be as organized as I’d like to, but I’m used to work on my own and scheduled-ish routines.

Quick search and up you go with an invite for the public Slack channel. While the (I assume) automated process was taking place I simply went to Github and opened /automattic and /wordpress.

Oh man … 😀

Then the invite to the Slack channel arrived to my inbox.

Oh man … xD

This is not gonna be easy. It’ll take some time.

By the way, in the mean time I ended up in charge of the block’s cat: that stray cat on every block that’s both nobody’s and everybody’s cat. She started following me home every now and then, and when she finally decided to face the horror of entering the elevator with me, I thought “well, if you were willing to make it this far…”. A singular “come and go as you like” status quo begun.

Long story short: I eventually found out she had some strange heart condition combined with a weakened immune system and a parasitic blood virus. Add that to the fact she was nearly 15 years old and you get to become a nurse in no time.

This was one of those “it’s nobody’s cat” moment for my neighbors.

The story doesn’t end well, but I got the privilege to give her a warm place to stay and feed her with all sort of things I assume she never got on the streets. I do believe she had a good life, she got all the freedom she could get and I can only hope I made her last days as comfortable as they could be. Cats are cats, you’ll never be sure if they’re being grateful or mere interested on benefits, but it was nice to have her.

A harsh but enlightening experience I’ll have to say.

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